Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Has it really been 6 months?

If someone had told me 18 months ago that I'd be sitting here today, reflecting on what happened 6 months ago, I would have told them it would never happen. As much as I wanted them to, NKOTB wouldn't come to Australia, its not financially viable for them to do so. And yet as I sit here, after eating to much cake (Happy Birthday to me), I look back at the photos and the blogs and pinch myself because it did happen! 

Two days ago was the 6 month anniversary of my first ever NKOTB show. Yesterday the anniversary of my first ever Meet and Greet. Tomorrow will be the anniversary of my Ultimate Meet and Greet. Later this week will see the anniversaries of my 3rd and 4th Meet and Greets and the last Aussie show. This week is also the 6 month anniversary of meeting most of you that will be reading this. Can you all believe its been 6 months already? It feels like yesterday and yet at the same time, so long ago too.

Post show in Brisbane

It was great to meet so many of you and put faces and voices to Twitter names. I've really enjoyed getting to know you all better since then via social media and look forward to seeing many of you again at the reunion next May.


As I reflect, I realise what a big part you all played in making the tour such an amazing experience. Sure the guys were a HUGE part of it but doing all of the travelling, stalking, eating etc alone would have been a drag. It was great to sit in the airport with some of you girls and fangirl because Jon and Harley are sitting just over there and we can see them. Would it be rude to approach them? Should we wave? Who knows! Lets just sit here and stare and giggle like teenagers!

Yes, I'm short!

I guess what I'm trying to say is, THANK YOU to everyone I met 6 months ago. Thank you for travelling with me, for dining with me, for giving me a bed, for driving me, for freaking out with me and most of all for accepting me for me and having fun with me. I loved every minute of those 2 weeks six months ago.

And to the 5 guys who are responsible for this sisterhood I'm a part of, thank you. Thank you for coming to Australia. Thank you for getting back together. Just thank you!
